Amtsblatt - Science News

AmtsblattScience Pages
Amtsblatt Cover 5/2024

Bio Puzzle Solved: The Embryo Constructs Itself

Two scientists at ISTA (Institute of Science and Technology Austria) have devised a new mathematical approach demonstrating how cells communicate to form an embryo.
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ein Wasser, das aus einem Wasserhahn spritzt

Discover the Konrad-Lorenz-Institute

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Cover Amtsblatt 3/24

Dr. Arthur Weiss

„It Takes a Good Person to Be a Good Doctor“
Arthur Weiss was born to a wine merchant family in what is today's Hölzlgasse in Klosterneuburg's Lower Town on 01 March 1875.
Wissenschaftsseiten 3-24.pdf herunterladen (0.35 MB)

Strategies to Channel Precious Rainwater

From global to local: Both the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA) and Klosterneuburg’s city administration need information on increasing heavy rainfall events.
Wissenschaftsseiten[6].pdf herunterladen (0.11 MB)

Cover Amtsblatt 1/24

Reaching for the (invisible) Stars

Uncovering the missing precursors of hydrogen-poor supernovae
Supernovae–stellar explosions as bright as an entire galaxy–have fascinated
us since time immemorial.
Wissenschaftsseiten AB_01_24 (0.09 MB)
Cover Amtsblatt 9/2023

A clear Win for Road Safety

Peter Saleh from Klosterneuburg and his Research Team win top EU Prize for Road Safety
Wissenschaftsseiten_AB923.pdf herunterladen (0.12 MB)
Cover Amtsblatt 8/2023

From Big Band to Outstanding PhD

Dr Morris Brooks was awarded ISTA's "Outstanding PhD" award this year for his extensive and forward-thinking research work in theoretical mathematics.

Wissenschaftsseiten_8-23.pdf (0.06 MB)

Cover AB 7/2023

Light Sculptures, Tattoos and Tsunami Waves

ISTA Scientists Attended the Siggraph 2023 Conference in Los Angeles in Early August
Wissenschaftsseiten_AB7.pdf herunterladen (0.12 MB)
Cover AB 5/2023

Quo Vadis Viticulture and Pomology?

In May 2023, the „Wissenschaft.Klosterneuburg.Schafft Wissen“ Science. Klosterneuburg.Creates Knowledge) lecture series showcased information about important topics like sustainability, plant protec-tion, and the use of digital technology, robots, and drones. They also discussed so-called PIWI varieties, which offer a more environmentally friendly approach to winemaking.

Wissenschaftsseiten[5].pdf herunterladen (0.11 MB)
Cover Amtsblatt 4/2023

How Starving Neurons Affect Brain Development

For brains to develop, they require the right nutrients at the right time. The nutrients provide the necessary energy for the cellular processes that lay the foundation for brain formation. Gaia Novarino's research group investigates what happens when these nutrients are not available at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA). Wissenschaftsseiten[4].pdf herunterladen (0.07 MB)
Cover Amtsblatt 3/2023

Studying the Klosterneuburg Scriptorium With AI

Wissenschaftsseiten_AB_3_2023.pdf (0.08 MB)
Cover Amtsblatt 2/2023

ISTA Welcomes New President

At the beginning of the year, award-winning molecular biologist Martin Hetzer stepped into his new role as president of the renowned research institute ISTA. He introduced himself to the public at a press conference on 14 February 2023.
Wissenschaftsseiten_AB_2_2023.pdf (0.18 MB)

Cover AB 1/2023

Klosterneuburg's Liquid Gold and Projekt Kefstrat at the HBLA School for Viticulture

Wissenschaftsseiten[3].pdf herunterladen (0.1 MB)
Cover 9/2022

Developing the Pool of the Future

Biotop, a company based in Klosterneuburg-Weidling, develops and builds
natural pools and swimming ponds for chlorine-free swimming. Managing
Director Jasmin Nöbl and Head of Research Jakob Schelker explain why
research is crucial for their biopools and the environment.
Wissenschaftsseiten.pdf (0.13 MB)
Cover AB 8/2022

Digitales Yarn for Real Socks

Wissenschaftsseiten_8-22.pdf herunterladen (0.19 MB)
Cover AB 07/2022

Infected for Science

While we usually associate viruses with diseases, scientists use them as tools in their research. At the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA), the Virus Services team provides scientists with the viral help they need to do their work.
AB_7_2022_Wissenschaft.pdf download (1.17 MB)

Cover Amtsblatt 5/2022

Warriors of God Exhibit at Klosterneuburg Abbey

Klosterneuburg Abbey's newest exhibit focuses on the struggle for the
true faith in and around Vienna during the 15th century.
Wissenschaftsseiten_AB_5_2022_lowres-4.pdf (0.18 MB)
Cover AB 4/2022

€ 2.5 Million Euro Grant for ISTA Researcher

A group of evolutionary biologists working at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA) is developing new statistical methods for documenting the complex structure of genetic data. The European Research Council (ERC) has awarded the group a 2.5 million Euro grant to pursue this endeavour.

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Cover Amtsblatt 03/2022

Klosterneuburg's Forgotten Canonesses

When recounting the history of the founding of Klosterneuburg Abbey by the Babenberg Duke Leopold III in 1133, one detail tends to be left out. The abbey founded in the 12th century wasn't just a men's Augustinian canon's abbey.
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Amtsblatt Cover 2/2022

How a Protein Stops Cancer Cells From Spreading

Scientists at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA) have discovered a new protein that helps prevent the spread of cancer cells via the circulatory and lymphatic system. Wissenschaftsseiten_AB02-2022 (pdf 0.66 MB)

Amtsblatt 01/2022

The Power of the Vine

Centuries of experience and cutting-edge research meet when new vines are planted in the Abbey of Klosterneuburg's vineyards. In 2021, growing exceptional varieties on unique terroir made use of old and new traditions.
Wissenschaftsseiten_aus_AB_1_2022_lowres-2.pdf herunterladen (0.08 MB)
Amtsblatt Cover 9/2021

50 Years Haschhof Fruit Research Farm

On 23 September, more than 100 visitors celebrated the Haschhof Research Farm's 50th anniversary in the dazzling sunshine. Current research findings and a historical overview were presented.
Wissenschaftsseiten_aus_AB_9_2021 (pdf 0.12 MB)
Cover Amtsblatt 08/2021

How IST Austria is Bridging Knowledge Gaps

The Institute of Science and Technology Austria (IST Austria) has reported significant new findings about human cells. Thanks to these findings, two critical pieces of the big puzzle surrounding human existence have fallen into place.
Wissenschaftsseiten_AB_8-2021 (pdf 0.2 MB)
Cover Amtsblatt 07/2021

Award-Winning High School Thesis Papers

The life of ants and a new design for the town hall square: These were the compelling, practical and prize-winning topics high school graduates from Klosterneuburg presented in their final papers this summer. Wissenschaftsseiten 7 (pdf 0.24 MB)
Cover AB 05/2021

Quantum Computing with Holes

Scientists found a new and promising qubit at a place where there is nothing.
Wissenschaftsseiten_5_2021 (pdf 0.1 MB)
Cover AB 04/2021

Ants provide glimpses into evolution

Researchers at the Konrad Lorenz Institute are studying the effects of pathogens on insects. They have embarked on a quest that goes back to the 18th century. Wissenschaftsseiten_aus_AB_4_21 (pdf 0.11 MB)
Amtsblatt 03/2021

Detecting Food Fraud at the Speed of Light

A new project at the Lebensmittelversuchsanstalt/LVA (Food Safety Research Institute) is setting new standards in developing detection methods using "Next Generation Sequencing".
Wissenschaftsseiten_AB03-2021 (pdf 0.11 MB)
Titel Amtsblatt 02/2021

Eureka Moments in Klosterneuburg

In cooperation with the Klosterneuburg lecture series „Wissenschaft.Klosterneuburg. Schafft Wissen“, IST Austria is hosting an online Science Talk with physician Professor Michael Sixt on Thursday 11 March 2021 at 5:00pm. (AB 02/2021)
Wissenschaftsseiten_aus_AB_2_21 (pdf 0.16 MB)
Cover des Amtsblatts 01/2021

Dancing Molecules and Two-dimensional Particles

Scientists at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (IST Austria) in cooperation with Uppsala University now have found a new way of constructing a system of rotating molecules whose behavior corresponds to anyons living on the surface of a sphere. (AB 01/2021)
Dancing Molecules and Two-dimensional Particles (pdf 0.1 MB)
Cover Amtsblatt 09/2020

Research for climate and environment

The Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research (KLI) has launched an Open call for artists to participate in ClimArtLab project.(AB 09/2020)
Research for climate and environment (pdf 0.37 MB)
Cover Amtsblatt 08/2020

Weissburgunder - a Variety with Potential

Studying the aroma profile of Weissburgunder at the HBLA school for viticulture and fruit growing in Klosterneuburg. (AB 8/2020)
Weissburgunder - a Variety with Potential (pdf)
Cover Amtsblatt 07/2020

Documenting the beauty of nature

IST Austria scientists present three novel techniques to simulate nature's complexity (AB 7/2020)
Documenting the beautiy of nature (pdf)

Cover Amtsblatt 05/2020

What We Can Learn From the Teeth of Chimpanzees

You are what you eat: The Konrad Lorenz Institute in Martinstraße takes a closer look at what tooth wear reveals about the diet of chimpanzees. (AB 5/2020)
What We Can Learn From the Teeth of Chimpanzees (pdf)

Cover Amtsblatt 04/2020

Blood flows could be more turbulent than expected

Blood flow in the human body is assumed to be mostly smooth and non-turbulent. On the other hand, unstable and unsteady flow is linked to a variety of cardiovascular diseases including arteriosclerosis — one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Now, Professor Björn Hof from the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (IST Austria), together with a team of international researchers, has shown that our bloodstream is more turbulent than what has been previously thought. (AB Ausgabe 4/2020)
Blood flows could be more turbulent than expected (pdf)
Cover Amtsblatt 03/2020

Neuer Bild- und Kartenband des Donauraums

Der Klosterneuburger Autor Erich Wonka dokumentiert in diesem Werk auf einzigartige Weise die Siedlungsgeschichte entlang des Donauabschnitts von Klosterneuburg, Korneuburg, Langenzersdorf und Bisamberg! (AB Ausgabe 3/2020) Neuer Bild- und Kartenband des Donauraums (pdf)
Cover Amtblatt 02/2020

New Findings in Brain Research

Researchers at IST Austria have discovered a new gene function. It could provide a new approach to researching brain malformations and tumours. (AB 2/2020)
New Findings in Brain Research (pdf)
Cover Amtsblatt 1A/2020

Noble Ladies, Severe Symptoms

New research on Klosterneuburg's former women's convent provides some insights into the everyday life of these medieval ladies. (AB 1A/2020)
Noble Ladies, Severe Symptoms (pdf)

Cover Amtsblatt 09/2019

Science has a Responsibility

Guido Caniglia, the new scientific director of the Konrad Lorenz Institute (KLI), talks about his plans and what he finds appealing about Klosterneuburg. (AB 9/2019)
Science has a Responsibility (pdf)
Cover Amtsblatt 08/2019

How sweet is too sweet?

A new study, led by researchers from the Universities of Liverpool and Copenhagen, has been launched to identify the risks and benefits of sugar replacements in the diet. (AB Ausgabe 8/2019)
How sweet is too sweet? (pdf)
Cover Amtsblatt 07/2019

A Treasure for Klosterneuburg's Monastery Library

The Augustinian Canons' Monastery library in Klosterneuburg is the first library in Austria to receive the 20 volume work "Encyclopaedia of Buddhist Arts" for research purposes. (AB 07/2019)

A Treasure for Klosterneuburg's Monastery Library (pdf)
Cover Amtsblatt 05/2019

IST Austria Celebrates 10 year Anniversary

Speech by President Thomas Henzinger on the occasion of the 10-year-anniversary of the Institute of Science and Technology Austria in Maria Gugging on June 4, 2019 (AB Ausgabe 5/2019)
IST Austria Celebrates 10 year Anniversary (pdf)
Cover Amtsblatt 04/2019

Dogs Sniff Out Ants at IST Austria

A team of wildlife detection dogs from Switzerland spent the past few weeks visiting the IST Austria to find out if dogs can sniff out invasive ant species. (AB 4/2019)
Dogs Sniff Out Ants at IST Austria (pdf)
Cover Amtsblatt 03/2019

Breeding Grapevines for the Future of Viticulture

The HBLA school for viticulture and fruit cultivation in Klosterneuburg breeds new grape varieties for the Austrian viticulture industry. Fungus-resistant varieties present a particular challenge, as does finding the right balance between quality production and environmentally friendly cultivation. (AB Ausgabe 3/2019)
Breeding Grapevines for the Future of Viticulture (pdf)
Cover Amtsblatt 02/2019

An Academy Award for Maria Gugging

And the Oscar goes to ... Bernd Bickel! The Austrian professor at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria received an Oscar for technical achievements in Hollywood on 09 February 2019. (AB 02/2019)
An Academy Award for Maria Gugging (pdf)
Cover Amtsblatt 01/2019

Reading Rats' Minds

Scientists at the Institute for Science and Technology Austria can predict where a rat will go next depending on how neurons fire in its hippocampus. A study on this topic was recently published in the scientific journal "Neuron". (AB Ausgabe 1/2019)

Reading Rats' Minds (pdf) 

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