Verkehrscenter (Center of Traffic)

Gelenkbus retouchiert (c) Stadtgemeinde KlosterneuburgSchuhE

Under the topic „Verkehrscenter“ (center of traffic) you will find all the information concerning transport and mobility in Klosterneuburg.

Bus (Timetables for public transport), Stadttaxi (City-Taxi), Rollfähre (ferry) and Stromtankstelle (electric service stations) as well as Kurzparkzonen (short-term parking zones and a guide to park.ME - paying for short-term parking via your mobile phone)

Concerning the change of timetables you can send us requests, complaints but also

praise to the following e-mail address:


The contact persons for the topic transport are:

Leiter des Referats IV/3 - Tiefbau, Verkehr
Ing. Bernhard Klammer
Normannengasse 4-10
Tel. 02243 / 444 - 460

Stadtrat und Vorsitzender des Ausschusses für Verkehr, Verkehrsflächen und Beleuchtung 
DI Johannes Kehrer
Tel. 0660/5097629


Please report broken street lights to

Referat IV/7 - Wirtschaftshof
Dietmar Schuster
Wienerstraße 82
Tel. 02243 / 444 - 265

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