You are here: Ukraine
Bundesministerium für Inneres - important official Information
Information_Ukraine 2022_A5Version.pdf (0.22 MB)
Doctors_A4quer.pdf (0.12 MB)
Representativ of the mayor in the districts_A4quer.pdf (0.49 MB)
dictornary in pictures-deutsch-ukrainisch-v7 (pdf 1.77 MB)
FAQs_UA_Refugees_-_FAQ_in russian (pdf 0.44 MB)
Registration refugees in russian (pdf 0.18 MB)
20220321_FAQs Städtebund (pdf 0.16 MB)
Stadtgemeinde Klosterneuburg - Bürgerservice-Hotline: 02243 / 444 – 555
INFOS FOR AUSTRIA: You will receive information from the emergency hotline +43 1 2676 870 9460
infos-for-Austria (pdf 0.15 MB)