Klosterneuburg counts on ecological gardening according to the specifications of Natur im Garten. This means pesticide-free gardening, biodiversity and the abstinence of chemical and synthetic fertilizer and peat.
The town gardeners have already won several awards for Klosterneuburg with implementing nature friendly gardening. The highest award is the golden Hedgehog. The won badges are displayed in the Roman Scholz-Park. Everywhere you can see traces of their work, they plant local and diverse plants, which are important for insects and birds. There are "pick-your-own garden", which are raised beds with vegetables and edible plants as well as fruit trees or bushes. In Parks you can discover insect hotels and especially cultivated flower beds for bees.
Many citizen of Klosterneuburg follow the campaign of Natur im Garten themselves and have the special badge on their garden gate. With our without the badge, everyone can be a nature-friendly gardener. Find more Information on: www.naturimgarten.at (in German).